Published ine.ventures5. How Does Burn Productivity Drive SaaS Valuation?… A Practical ExampleVenture Capitalists are renown for valuations that are often grounded in significant subjectivity that defy typical valuation…Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Published ine.ventures4. ‘Burn Productivity’… A Consistently Better Signaler of SaaS ValuationThe prior analysis showed that while valuation is nicely correlated to Magic Number and Rule of 40 as of 1Q 2020, the correlation hasn’t…Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Published ine.ventures3. Magic Number and Rule of 40… Helpful, For NowFinancial ratios are partially helpful in allowing entrepreneurs and executives to benchmark SaaS companies by which to shape their own…Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Published ine.ventures2. What SaaS Financial Ratios Should You Go Public With?… And Why No One Size Fits AllThe previous post (link) in this analysis benchmarked median and top quartile financial ratios, and touted the importance of considering…Jun 16, 20201Jun 16, 20201
Published ine.ventures1. SaaS Financial Benchmarking… One Size Doesn’t Fit All, and Focusing on Gross ProfitAs part of this blog series’ discussion on the importance of focusing on Burn Productivity, a recap on incumbent analyses of financial…Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Published ine.venturesSaaS ‘Burn Productivity’… Better Than Magic Number and Rule of 40?In an increasingly product-led world, traditional SaaS ratios/metrics are becoming outdated. Why? Hyper-growth, burgeoning network effects…Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020